Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Baby Lamont

Today was the ultrasound and we were pretty excited. I'm sure most of you know this, but they make you drink so much water before your appointment that as soon as I got there I had to pee pretty bad. Once I got in the room my tech was really nice and said she would take the shots she needed with a full bladder and then let me go to the washroom before finishing everything up. We got some good shots, the tech said our baby photographs really well. I was impressed with them. You can purchase a picture and at the beginning she asked me if I was going to, I said I wasn't sure (perhaps that makes me a bad mom) and she said most people say they look like little aliens anyway. However, the picture we got looked good (I'm sure I am bias) and Chris (the good parent) opted to purchase it. My favorite shot was one of it waving at us, you could really clearly see the little hand and fingers. It was cute. Anywho, so here is the shot we have. Enjoy.

Monday, March 8, 2010


On account that I felt the baby moving for the first time early this morning at 4 am, I've caved and added one of those spinning baby countdowns to my blog. This is something I know Chris doesn't necessarily approve off, so we'll see how long it stays on, hopefully 151 days (or just shy of that, I would be happy with an early baby!!!)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Good Times

Here are a few pictures from my trip to Winnipeg. It was a fun week.

Eden, such a cutie! It was fun to spend more than just a couple hours with her.

She liked to sit on this stool. She used to have about 5X the stickers on her face, they were everywhere!
Julie and her sewing projects (she did about a million different projects while I worked on my one)..also, notice her stickers from Eden.
We had a little Olympic Gold Medal Hockey game party. We had fruit, fruit dip, 7-layer dip with chips, crackers and dip, and Shirley Temple's. After we had homemade sweet and sour meatballs with rice and egg rolls. I was so full!
Dad and Tom watching the game, it was a good one.
We celebrated the Gold with Martinelli's (sparkling cider), Eden is a little upset, probably because we neglected her a little during the last period and overtime, and she hadn't gotten her own celebratory drink. Poor Eden.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Welcome Home

When I got back from my trip to Winnipeg early Tuesday morning Chris had got some beautiful flowers waiting for me at home as well as a homemade chocolate cream pie.
Check out this piece..can you tell he likes cream??!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life Long Goal

So one of my life long goals is to make a quilt. Now this might not sound like much for my super crafty and sew all their kids halloween costumes sister and sisters-in-law, but the last time I touched a sewing machine was in junior high home economics when I opted to make a wrap skirt so I could avoid a zipper.

Anyway, on my road to this goal I thought I would start first with a baby quilt since I've got one on the way and they are smaller. And so began my sewing project. Luckily I was able to fly to Winnipeg with cheap airline tickets ($49.00), kidnap Julie and Eden in Minneapolis with Mom, to help me learn to sew. We bought the fabric in Fergus Falls and I sewed straight for 2.5 days. It was lots of fun and I impressed myself.
Take a look at the final project...
Some of the fabric, I am missing the backing.
The pieces sewn together.
Adding the backing. It may look like I am doing nothing in this picture, but I was actually practicing on that small green piece of fabric.
And it is done! I even hand stitched the backing that folds over. I just realized I don't have a picture of the back yet, but it is the material that boarders the front of the quilt.
Julie made a great pillow with the extra fabric to go with. Thanks Julie, it looks great!