We had a lot of fun and did a lot of things while Grandma and Grandpa and the Tom Cutts family were visiting. I am not the greatest at taking pictures, so before they left Mom and Dad they uploaded their pictures on to my computer. Since blogger has been user unfriendly when posting pictures lately, these pictures are in no particular order, but I'm sure you can match the picture to the event. This is what Macy's weekend consisted of:
Grandma, Grandpa, Tom, Julie, and Eden arrived late Thursday night, Sept. 23rd. On Friday we went for lunch at Oodle Noodle and ate outside at a park. We went on the High Level Bridge Trolley ride, the guys walked around the U of A campus and we made personal pizza's for dinner. Later that night Grandma and Grandpa babysat Eden and Macy while Tom, Julie, Chris and I went out for a date. We went to a European Cafe, had desserts, and great time visiting. On Saturday Tom and Chris went paintballing in the morning (sorry, no battle wound pictures). We all went to the West Edmonton Mall, saw the fire breathing dragon and mall sites, and then went to the waterpark. That was a lot of fun. Thanks a lot Grandma and Grandpa! We came home tuckered out and hungry and ate BBQ hamburgers and fries. Sunday was Macy's big day. We started out with a delicious brunch, french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, friend cinnamon apples, and orange juice. Church was at 1pm. The blessing was very nice, good work Chris. Those in the circle were Chris, Grandpa Cutts, Grandpa Lamont, Uncle Fraser, Uncle Tom, and Uncle Steve. After church we had family (Grandma and Grandpa Lamont and Aunt Crystal) over for dinner. We ate crock pot BBQ pork on buns, greek salad, chips, veggies and dip, and fruit salad with chocolate chip cookies, junk bar, puffed wheat squares and cream puffs for dessert. Another delicious meal! It was a great weekend. Thank you for all the family that came. We love having company and everyone and more are welcome back anytime!

In front of where they store the trolley's.

Chris standing in front of the Associated Engineering building where he works in the summer.