Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Project

Since Macy was born I have been putting what little spare time I have had building something with lego. In one of the TV shows I enjoy (Stargate) there is a ship called the Daedalus. My first attempted at building it was not color coordinated as much as one would like so I built another one that was a bit more similar in color. The first one was around 2 feet long and made up of around 2000 lego blocks of different size and color. My second model is exactly one inch short of 4 feet long, 2 feet at the widest part, and 12 inches tall. I estimate it to be close to 5000 pieces and they are mostly grey. This post is mostly for Calab, I was thinking if anyone was really good at photoshop we could put him in the picture and send it in for Lego to put him in the monthly magazine.

This is a picture of what I was trying to make.
This is the final product.

Any suggestions as to what I should build next?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Easy Halloween Craft

I came up with this little craft while putting my halloween decorations up this year. I already had the window sticker, frame, and some patterned paper. I like using the shadow box, but it would probably work on any frame. After halloween is over, just remove the sticker and I can use the frame with a
christmas window sticker and christmas paper. So easy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Macy's Weekend

We had a lot of fun and did a lot of things while Grandma and Grandpa and the Tom Cutts family were visiting. I am not the greatest at taking pictures, so before they left Mom and Dad they uploaded their pictures on to my computer. Since blogger has been user unfriendly when posting pictures lately, these pictures are in no particular order, but I'm sure you can match the picture to the event. This is what Macy's weekend consisted of:

Grandma, Grandpa, Tom, Julie, and Eden arrived late Thursday night, Sept. 23rd. On Friday we went for lunch at Oodle Noodle and ate outside at a park. We went on the High Level Bridge Trolley ride, the guys walked around the U of A campus and we made personal pizza's for dinner. Later that night Grandma and Grandpa babysat Eden and Macy while Tom, Julie, Chris and I went out for a date. We went to a European Cafe, had desserts, and great time visiting. On Saturday Tom and Chris went paintballing in the morning (sorry, no battle wound pictures). We all went to the West Edmonton Mall, saw the fire breathing dragon and mall sites, and then went to the waterpark. That was a lot of fun. Thanks a lot Grandma and Grandpa! We came home tuckered out and hungry and ate BBQ hamburgers and fries. Sunday was Macy's big day. We started out with a delicious brunch, french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, friend cinnamon apples, and orange juice. Church was at 1pm. The blessing was very nice, good work Chris. Those in the circle were Chris, Grandpa Cutts, Grandpa Lamont, Uncle Fraser, Uncle Tom, and Uncle Steve. After church we had family (Grandma and Grandpa Lamont and Aunt Crystal) over for dinner. We ate crock pot BBQ pork on buns, greek salad, chips, veggies and dip, and fruit salad with chocolate chip cookies, junk bar, puffed wheat squares and cream puffs for dessert. Another delicious meal! It was a great weekend. Thank you for all the family that came. We love having company and everyone and more are welcome back anytime!

In front of where they store the trolley's.
Chris standing in front of the Associated Engineering building where he works in the summer.

Eden spent a lot of time sitting by Macy and making sure she was happy!
Some of the food from Sunday's dinner.

I don't really know what she is doing?? I think maybe she was spinning around on the ottomen.
I particularly like the facial expressions of Eden and Macy, perhaps this is when they found out they were going be babysit by Grandpa!

Some sort of joke going on here...
Looking good Tom.

Family Pictures

It was great to have Mom and Dad, and Tom, Julie and Eden with us for Macy's baby blessing. We also finally got some pictures with all three (me, Chris, and Macy) of us...our first family pictures!

I like this one...the concerned father.

Stickin' her tongue out...what a cutie!