I’ve needed to do a post about Macy because she is growing and developing so much right now that I want to remember how fun and sweet she is. So here are some things about Macy:
- She talks a lot and learns new words every day.
- Lately she answers you by saying OK. ‘OK Mom’, it is so cute.
- She gives great hugs and kisses before bed.
- She often says, “I love you soooo much”.
- She is a destroyer – she makes you build things, and then immediately destroys it: towers, snowman, hanging monkeys, etc.
- She can’t quiet pronounce the ‘T’ sound and replaces it with an ‘F’ sound. However she likes to talk a lot about trucks, which doesn’t come out sounding too good, especially at church!
- She always makes me laugh and always says “I’m so funny!”
- She getting into watching more movies (the variety is getting better, which is good, since I could probably quote all of 101 Dalmatian)s. She likes Simba, Marty (from Madagascar), Aladdin, and Sid the sloth (from Ice Age).
- She has sweet dance moves.
- She still LOVES Dora the Explorer and is improving her Spanish vocabulary.
- She can almost count to 10 (she skips three a lot), but can count to 6 in Spanish.
- She loves to read books at night. Her favorites are ‘Jumping Jacky’ (one from my youth), and ‘If you give a Cat a Cupcake’, but she likes most. However she is quick to tell you if she doesn’t like one.
- Her favorite foods are still cheese, yogurt, tortillas, and apple sauce (she still eats like a baby).
- She likes having you sing to her and requests songs.
- She’s one awesome kid and we love her!