Monday, March 25, 2013


It's the first day of spring break and Macy and I have already had a great day! We were efficient this morning and went grocery shopping, made dinner, and made banana muffins. We played, ate lunch, and then went to meet Dora at the Mall.

We did pretty well. We got there early and there was already a big line-up. Just as we got in line we saw Dora and Diego walking by so we waved and said hi. We waited in line for about 30 minutes - but Macy was good about it, and we didn't really have anything else to do. I told Macy she'd need to stand by Dora and smile so I could take her picture. She said she wasn't going to smile. She also wished Boots was there.
After we were done the line up had at least doubled! We stopped quickly at the library and found Macy's favorite book, and headed home.
We look forward to the rest of spring break!