Both girls are growing up so fast, I really need to do more frequent updates.
Rachel is already almost 17 months! Not too long and she'll be in nursery. She is still growing in length and weight and is a great eater. She took her first step January 1, 2015, but didn't start walking until February. She is quick to move now and can go up and down the stairs too. She loves to dance when there is music, even if she is just in her high chair or car seat. She is looking less like a baby and more like a toddler. Her personality is really starting to show and she keeps us on our toes!
Macy had her hair cut this morning, so here is a before and after shot. Whenever I stop and really look at her I can't believe how big and grown up she is. She is exactly what her shirt says, 'Happy go Lucky' Always smiling and loving life. She is still in preschool and enjoys her class and teachers very much. She is thriving in primary too, I'm always surprised at how much she knows. She loves singing and we hear the songs she sings at Church all the time. She is excited for summer, her birthday, and going to the lake. Hard to believe she's starting kindergarten in September!
One of her favorite shows is 'My Little Pony', she got Twilight Sparkle below on Valentine's Day and loves playing with her and Rainbow Dash. She is a horse girl for sure and is excited to go riding for her birthday this summer.