We had a fun birthday weekend celebrating Rachel! Friday night before her birthday we went swimming at Millennium Place (last time that she would be free)! Saturday was her birthday. We opened presents as a family in the morning. We had McDonald's for lunch and black forest birthday cake. Chris had meetings in the evening so we hung around at home. Sunday we had dinner at Grandparent's Lamont and had more birthday cake and presents.
I'm happy to say she is still playing with this baby doll!
She still has the funniest faces!
Macy was a little sad as this was the first birthday or present opening that Rachel actually understood the gifts were hers and Macy couldn't just take what she wanted to play with. We are still learning sharing in this house!
These girls are great!
Rachel has quite the personality. She loves to laugh and play, but has a stubborn streak too and loves to do things on her own. She is very clever and finds a way to get what she wants. Right now she loves the movie Home and the soundtrack too. She especially likes Mickey Mouse, but also still likes Curious George. She loves dancing and running and playing with her sisters. She is learning more and more words and I can communicate pretty well with her, she definitely understands almost everything we say and do. We love this energetic and spunky gal!