Cruise Post!
Looking at these pictures is making me want to go back so bad! During the last week of January Chris and I left the kids with his parents (we are so beyond grateful!) and took a 10 day trip to celebrate our upcoming 10 year anniversary. We flew to Houston on Friday, January 27th and spent the weekend there until Sunday morning when we left to Galveston, Texas and boarded our ship. This post is our Houston weekend. My best cousin Amy and her family live in Dallas and they all drove down to Houston to spend the weekend with us. It was so nice. We don't get to see each other much, and our husband's even less, but it was such a fun and easy and relaxing time with them. I so wish we lived closer!
Chris and I at our layover in Calgary, AB. We can't wait to get started!!
With Chase and Amy's guns, what??!
When in Texas....
Friday night we spent time at Amy and Chase's Air B&B townhouse. We had pizza and played games and watched Winnie perform ballet dances for us. Saturday morning we went to the Downtown Aquarium. It turned out to be a lot of fun. The weather was cooler than I expected :( but not bad. We ate lunch at the aquarium restaurant surrounded by all the fish. It was a delicious meal. We saw the indoor aquarium, the white tiger exhibit, the sting rays, and shark exhibit.
It was fun to get to know Amy's girls Winnie and McKinney.
In the restaurant.
The strange white tiger in the middle of the aquarium?!
Which then escaped and attacked me!
Thank goodness Chris could protect me.
The sting rays.
Proof I touched them. Chris absolutely would not. Good thing we didn't book a cruise excursion swimming with any animals!
We rode a train through the shark exhibit, which was really cool.
After the aquarium we drove by the Houston Temple and walked around the grounds. So strange to think that now all of this is flooded.
Looks like Winnie is our own!

We ended the day at Spring Creek BBQ County for tasty Texas BBQ and peach cobbler. After dinner Amy and Chase dropped us back off at our hotel so we could get a good sleep and be ready to leave for Galveston bright and early the next morning! Thanks for visiting with us Treanor's, it was awesome!