This one makes me laugh so hard, I don't know why the sad faces! Perhaps because I made them stop playing for a minute to take a picture!
We traveled back Sunday night, caravaning with Tom's family to their home in Lino Lakes. We had the best week just relaxing and focusing mostly on cousin time! We went to a Minnesota Twins baseball game, celebrated Macy's 8th Birthday, and Rachel and Macy went to Park Camp with Henry, Alice, and Eden.
Our first Major League Baseball game.
August 1st Macy turned 8! It was fun to be with cousins, making it feel a little more special.
Henry, Alice, Rachel, Macy, Eden, and Tessa.
The day was extra special as we went to get Macy's ears pierced!! Her cousins came along and got theirs done too, even I had mine redone as they had grown in, making it an exciting outting!
We got a babysitter for Henry, Peter, and Tessa, making it all about these cute girls.
Feeling nervous!
Alice, the youngest, was the bravest and went first! No tears, no fears!
Then it was Eden, then Macy. She had a little scream and some tears, but as soon as she saw those pretty pearls in the mirror she was in love!
Showing off new earrings.
We went out for pizza and pop for Macy's birthday dinner. Followed by ice cream treats back at Tom & Julie's for dessert.
We got one cupcake, so we could sing and blow out candles!
The girls were so lucky to be able to join Eden, Alice, and Henry at their park program. Julie and I loved the afternoons with only Tessa and Henry and had fun shopping and going for lunch.
This picture was so good, they even used it to advertise for the program this year!
The weather got a little cloudy but it didn't stop us. We had fun one afternoon at the beach. Tessa and Peter just loved playing in the sand.
Living the life!