Some days at work I like to view the craigslist website and look at apartments for rent and such, just for fun. The other day there was a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom new condo for rent for $800. a month, which is an amazing deal. So I emailed the guy just out of interest to find out more details. Well it turns out this guy is a Nigerian Bishop who has left to West Africa on a crusade with his wife and daughter. He claims that he lived in the condo, its fully furnished, and out of the goodness of his heart because he is a trusting man, he will rent it to us with no real contract, just to answer a few questions, some including ‘What is your religion?’ and ‘Are you born again?’
Well, Chris and I go to try and find where this condo is. After double checking the address with him, and going back a second time in the daylight, we find the place. It’s a huge condo complex all under construction. Obviously he wasn’t living there! So we think this guy is trying to scam us into sending him money and then he’ll send us the key! I don’t think so. He also told us he didn’t have anyone in Edmonton he would trust with a key to show us the place. Bologna! Well he won’t be scamming us!!
As your law school attending brother, in a serious class focused solely on contracts, I advise you to never enter into anything without a contract.
That said, it sounds like a fun adventure. And, if you are looking for a place that is roughly $800 in rent you can always move in next door. We're $795 American, which is what, like $650 Canadian (PS - I love that Canadian money is worth more. Too long I have put up with "monopoly" money jokes. Go Canada!)
Good advise Tom.
Valerie, Can you report him to Craigslist? I wouldn't want anyone else to fall for his scam.
Good job on being smart, like a fox. Also good job on not going alone. There was an article on yesterday about a woman who answered a craig's list nanny job and was murdered.
May favorite part of your story is how he is "a trusting man and will rent without a contract" but that he "doesn't trust anyone in Edmonton to leave them with a key." People are so funny sometimes.
I think that person who answered the nanny call and was murder, is from the Twin Cities (I'll have to do more research, but I read something about it on Sunday in the paper)
i did forward all our emails to the craigslist people to let them know that user was a scammer. and don't worry tom, i wouldn't have entered into anything without a contract, which is why we didn't. I've dealt with enough mormon students who you'd also think were trusting people and don't use contracts and people always end up losing out.
Yep, she was from Minnesota. Sounds like a dangerous place. Everyone should come visit Alabama instead. :)
look at their fine city compared to the national average.
(Come to Minnesota!!)
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