Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Study Buddy

I signed up to do this Study Buddy volunteer program where you go to a school and work with one or a group of students. Yesterday I found out the particulars. I'm going to a Jr. High school and I go once a week on Monday mornings for 2 class blocks. I was assigned to a grade 7 science class and a grade 8 science class. I start next week and I'm very excited! It'll be a good chance to see if I would like to be in a Jr. High setting, and a good experience to be in a school before my practicum. Hopefully I can remember junior high science......

1 comment:

Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

You'll really never know until you actually have to teach the class but I'm glad that they are giving you some experience up front. And don't worry about remembering middle school science. It's super basic and the kids won't be able to pay attention to much anyway so you will really only need to teach one or two concepts a class period. (If they aren't too naughty and let you teach one or two concepts). Kids that age have a very short attention span.