Monday, April 21, 2008


Just a little update. Last week both Chris and I had two exams each. We have two more this week, but I'm done Wednesday and Chris isn't done until Saturday. At least he'll have time to prepare. Last Friday night we babysat our nephew Anderson. He is almost two and lots of fun. He likes to take your hands and use them to manipulate objects he isn't strong enough too, for example the little kiddie lock that keeps the cupboards shut. He's a pretty smart kid. They are moving in May, so we'll miss them.

Saturday night we listened to Elder Nelson and his wife speak. His wife is sisters with our stake president's wife, so that's why they were visiting. It was kind of casual, but good to listen to Elder Nelson. Sunday we played games and watched movies, relaxing on our study free day. It seems to always be a lot easier to keep the sabbath day holy when your in school.

On a more depressing note, it has been snowing/blizzarding for the last 4 days! It is completely white again outside and the roads are terrible. I hope Richard finds his way up here alright. We are excited for his visit.

Anderson trying to escape!

Clearly he didn't, but I think he still had a fun time with his uncle.

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