Monday, July 28, 2008

James Comes!

We had a great visit with James this past weekend. The weather was beautiful and it was just a nice little vacation. I picked James up at the airport early Thursday afternoon. Thursday was mostly a veg day. I bought a new Wii game, MariKart, which was a lot of fun, even I liked it. We had Oodle Noodle for dinner (which is a very delicious Asian food takeout where you get your food in a box to eat with chop sticks). Friday Chris had to work during the day, so James and I went to the driving range, strolled around campus and went to the Public Library. I got a library card for which I am very excited about! I borrowed the Kit Pearson War Guests Trilogy and the DVD "The Illusionist". I had to place a hold for the next Anne of Green Gables book, but I don't think it should take that long to get. Friday night we went to Taste of Edmonton. It was delicious. We all tried different foods, some Japanese, Thai, and Mexican. I think my favorite was James' Belgium Chocolate Pear. It was delicious! On Saturday we went on a trolley ride across the river valley and downtown. We then went to the West Edmonton Mall, shopped a little, saw the fire breathing dragon, and ended the day off with a visit to the Water Park. Now James can attest too that it really is amazing! I'll have more pictures of that later. So those were the highlights of the trip. We're glad you came James and hope you had fun!
James and Chris waiting in line for the Street Car ride. They were trying to look tough.
This is the Street Car we rode. It was originally used in Melbourne, Austrailia until 1990. The street car bridge we rode on is the highest one in the world!
This was us crossing that very high bride, take note of the sign in the window, you wouldn't want to disregard that advice.


James said...

I had a blast Valerie. Thanks again.
Can you send me some pictures?

Tom said...

I like how you said that Chris and James were "trying" to look tough.