Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Love

This semester I am taking a computing science 101 class. I had to take it to fulfill my computing requirement. However, I could have taken the easy computing class for education students and learned how to use excel for the hundreth time (not exactly my second love, sorry Taylor). Instead I went for the challenge and took my computing class directly from the computing science department. After the first class, I'll admit I was regreting my choice and very worried as the teacher spewed words like algorthims, pseudocodes, and networking. But it was too late to make a change, and I am so glad it was. I love this computing class. We learn to write little programs and codes, lots of algorithms (which aren't as scary as I thought). It is challenging and the assigments and test take time to think things through, but it is fun..plus I am doing super well in it, better than any other class I've ever taken! Too bad I'm already in my seventh year of university and just don't feel like another career change. A new hobby perhaps!

1 comment:

Richard said...

I've enjoyed my computer science classes also. They're lots of fun.