“Summer” has started and it’s back to work for me. I am back at the insurance office and it’s as though I’ve never left. I always get my old desk back, which is odd because it is one of the better desks because I have a window right next to me. I’m also taking a spring course, Family Finance. It is so practical and I am really enjoying it. So far we’ve talked about how to do your taxes and minimize what you pay, how to choose your financial institution, and some basic budgeting. I think every university student should be required to take it to graduate.
We are also in our new house and loving it. It is hard to believe that it is ours! Mom, Dad, and Richard came out to visit at the beginning of May and it was fun to have them. We welcome any visitors as we now have two extra bedrooms. I still don’t have any good pictures because my camera battery had died and I am finally now recharging it. Hopefully house pictures will come soon.
We did have a little bit of excitement when we used our washing machine for the first time. I guess a valve in the plumbing was stuck so our basement floor quickly became covered with soapy laundry water. Luckily Mom caught it soon so it wasn’t really that bad, just a little frustrating since everything is brand new and should be working. I do have a few pictures of the basement from Dad's camera.

Happy faces, at least it cleaned our basement floor!