Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tastes as Good as it Looks

On Sunday I was in a baking mood, so along with making homemade buns I made this delicious chocolate peanutbutter cake. It was the first cake from scratch that I have ever made and it turned out wonderful! It has given me the courage to try more new recipes. Hmmm just looking at it makes me salivate...
Alos, I finished my personal finance class today. Yay!! I am so glad to be done and have the summer really begin.


Patti said...

Looks scrumptious!

We were thinking of you on Wednesday. Hope all went well. (It was my first Wednesday since our cruise that I didn't have class. I enjoyed it.)

Jamie said...

This cake looks so yummy. I would love to get the recipe and see if I can make it gluten free.

Taylor said...


Congrats on the personal finance class. (I think personal finance should be a requirement for every college.)