Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer Days
Monday, July 27, 2009
Taste of Edmonton
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Half Blood Prince
Monday, July 20, 2009
Quarter of a Century

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
America's Favorite Pastime
After the game we got to go down to the field with our lawn chairs and blankets and they showed 'The Sandlot' movie on a big blow-up screen. It was great, but a little cold.

Chris and the reindeer. They were very fiesty, and there favorite food is dandilion leaves.

Me and the mascot..I think he is a crow.

Santa making the opening pitch. He was pretty good!

Chris after catching his ball. It even flashed "Great Catch" on the big screen. He also caught a T-shirt just before, but gave it to the boy in front of us, since Chris' long arms gave the boy absolutely no chance.

Standing on the field, they also gave us free popcorn.

Me and Chris' ball. It was a great evening, and only $12.50 per ticket. If anyone comes and visits us, it would definitly be something fun to go to.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Soccer Stars
Chris and I have joined a summer soccer mixed league. We had our first game tonight and it was a lot of fun. Soccer is probably my worst sport, but any sport is better than just running for exercise. Plus it is a very lax league and the skills on both the teams weren't anything extrordinary, which makes is all the more fun. We play every Monday night until the end of August.
I also just finished reading Anne's House of Dreams, I think it is my favorite so far of all the Green Gables books.Sunday, July 5, 2009
Edmonton International Street Performers Festival
On Friday we checked out the Street Performers Festival on its opening night. It is held downtown and we saw everything from sword swallowers, balloon makers and jugglers, and karate masters. The above picture isn't mine, but we saw this guy. He was by far our favorite. He did quite a few acts including juggling ping pong balls in his mouth. He also rode the 'seven foot unicycle of death' while juggling a machede, battle axe, and stinky shoe. It's free admission with a 'pass the hat' kind of payment. He was the only guy we felt bad for not paying anything.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Delicious Snack

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Canada Day Celebrations

Picture was taken from the Edmonton Journal.