We started the day with a free pancake breakfast at the Legislature building that was very tasty, but then again anything that is free is tasty! It was a surprisingly nice day. The forecast said 90% chance of rain, but it was blue skies and sunny. Chris had to leave then for work and I spent the morning with my friend hunting down a Canada Day shirt. The afternoon was relaxing and in the evening we went to a friends for a BBQ and Canada Day quiz. It reminded me of a Robison News Years Party quiz, but I did alright. We walked from their place to the Legislature again to watch the fireworks show which was very impressive. Overall, it was a great day. Now its back to work, but at least for only 2 days, and then it’s the weekend again.

Picture was taken from the Edmonton Journal.
Since you did so well on your quiz I will ask you -
What does Canada Day celebrate specifically? John had no idea.
John - I'm embarresed! It was formerly called Dominion Day and celebrates the British North American Act of 1867 signed July 1, 1867. Four British colonies (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario & Quebec) joined together to form a federation of four provinces and the beginning of Canada.
July 1st is Canada's Birthday!
BTW, I wore my Canadian shirt proudly yesterday.
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