Saturday, September 26, 2009

Into the Classroom

As most of you know I am in my last semester of my Education degree and am doing my practicum. I just got my placement last night and I am going to Ottewell Junior High teaching grade 7-9 science and grade 9 health. I am very excited to be in a Jr. High, and have heard excellent things about the mentor teacher I will be having (which is such a relief since my last mentor teacher was not quite mentor quality).

School has been so busy for me this semester. Only two more weeks at the University and then I will start teaching. We have had some fun activities, like yesterday we went to the Telus World of Science Museum. It was great. I wish I could have had more time and that there wasn't an assignment attached to the trip. Among the many cool exhibitions they had a 'dognapping' crime scene room that was really cool and set up really nice, and a Body Works room. In the Body Works room they had all kinds of interesting facts about the body and a place were they had jars of all kinds of bodily fluids, like urine, spit, blood, poop, and more. I thought it was pretty cool. I also got to be a weather person and sit behind the green screen reading you the weather report. It was a good time, but now I better get back to my mountains of work I need to finish...

Monday, September 21, 2009

World Domination and Style Comebacks

On Saturday we went to Ikea and saw this chair, priced at $450.00, which totally reminds me of Grandma Cutts' old green swivel chairs, fads and styles definitly repeat themselves and apparently this style is on a comeback!

On the world domination side, Doug came over yesterday for Hawiian Heystacks, brownies, and a game of Risk, in which he not only completed his three missions on his second turn, but proceeded to successfully take over the world. Serves us right for playing with someone who is a member of the armed forces!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Life has been busy, busy since day one of school starting. I feel like I have already been at school for months, and really, I only have 3 more weeks at the University and then I start teaching. I still don't know what school I will teach at, I will find out next Friday. Chris has been busy with school too. We have been driving to school together which is working out nice, albeit we have to leave pretty early.
Other than school, not too much is up with us. We finally saw Transformers 2 last weekend, it was alright, but I liked the first one much better. We have also rented 17 Again (so funny) and Paul Blart: Mall Cop (probably the worst movie we've even seen!). Out backyard grass is a growin', but it still has a lot to come. We have had really hot weather lately and little rain, not good for our water bill!
Doug is in Edmonton until Christmas and just got here last week. We are looking forward to seeing him often. He is here prepping for the security he will be providing at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Very cool! Maybe we will have to visit him while he is there....I wish!

Monday, September 7, 2009

End of the Season

In our fancy dancy soccer jerseys.

Outdoor soccer ended tonight, good thing cause it was cold!

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Day of School

Wednesday was our first day of school, and tradition calls for a photo before you leave the house....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Project Part 2

A finished fence. It is so great to have that done.

Chris' rock garden he worked on all summer. We plan to put plants and flowers in the middle.

Our plant garden right behind the deck.
We seeded last weekend and are anxiously waiting for some grass to come in.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Richard's Wedding Extravaganza

We had a great holiday visiting family and celebrating Richard and Jacquie's wedding. Here are some pictures to prove it!

Richard and Jacquie - so happy!

All of us squinting, it was soooo bright.

Apparently I have become infamous for telling Richard that marriage is hard, but look at us, we can take it!!

Sarah and I, such good buddies.

Me and my 'little' brother.

The Wedding Party in Belgrade, MT at the Law's - it was so beautiful there.

Uncle Chris and Eden at the Law's.

The extremely talented violenist who played while we dined and visited.

Cutting the cake. The reception at the Law's was great. There was good food and good company and we were glad we were able to make it.