We had a great holiday visiting family and celebrating Richard and Jacquie's wedding. Here are some pictures to prove it!

Richard and Jacquie - so happy!

All of us squinting, it was soooo bright.

Apparently I have become infamous for telling Richard that marriage is hard, but look at us, we can take it!!
Sarah and I, such good buddies.
Me and my 'little' brother.
The Wedding Party in Belgrade, MT at the Law's - it was so beautiful there.

Uncle Chris and Eden at the Law's.

The extremely talented violenist who played while we dined and visited.

Cutting the cake. The reception at the Law's was great. There was good food and good company and we were glad we were able to make it.
Jacquies mom deserves a medal for putting that together in 2 weeks! Looks like it was a lot of fun!
Love the picture of Chris and Eden.
I was about to leave the same comment Patti did! You got some great pictures.
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