Friday, January 8, 2010

This ones for Caleb!

Over the Christmas Holidays Caleb and I enjoyed some time together playing with his Lego collection. He asked about which sets I had and I thought the only way he would see them was if he visited, but he thought of putting the pictures online. Well Caleb here ya go!
This first shot of the collection has almost all of it in the photo, my first ever Lego set was the Diana Boat and Dock, its in the very front of the picture, sadly I have lost some of the pieces but its mostly there. The dresser and the green tupperware container are not holding any lego just the large clear bins and the boxes. I also have a Lego table top, ontop of the green tupperware walls are built on it.
I have had this lego case since I was around 10 years old, I put some on my smaller stuff inside.
You might recognize the Star Wars lego, some of my favorite these sets are from 1200 to 1700 pieces each and in the next picture you see that they open up and there are added things inside!

These are really cool as well, the Red Bird Mach 2 Model team set I've had since I was 12 it was a Christmas present from Santa! The pnuematic crane is awesome, on the side the outriggers come out, the arm swivels and extends, and the wheels turn by cranking gears around. The truck in the middle is a tow truck, it has shocks and the pistons in the front alternate just like in a car when the rear wheels turn, the back even has a differential.

Now my ultimate lego set is found at this link:
It is the largest lego set to ever be sold, its around 5200 peices and around 3 feet long. I hope one day to be able to make it, even once before I have to sell it again!
Oh and Caleb, there is a train waiting for you when you come to Canada!


Jill said...

I love it! I love your legos. My favorite one is the Star Destroyer. I want to go to Canada to see your train set.


Jill said...

You do have some pretty amazing sets. I personally like the Star Wars sets.

James said...

So you have the largest one ever sold?

Chris said...

No I dont. I would like to buy it, you can buy it cheapest on ebay but its still 400 dollars. Something to look forward to I guess. But there is another Star Destroyer model, it's around 3500 pieces and 3 feet long, thats a close second.