Today was the ultrasound and we were pretty excited. I'm sure most of you know this, but they make you drink so much water before your appointment that as soon as I got there I had to pee pretty bad. Once I got in the room my tech was really nice and said she would take the shots she needed with a full bladder and then let me go to the washroom before finishing everything up. We got some good shots, the tech said our baby photographs really well. I was impressed with them. You can purchase a picture and at the beginning she asked me if I was going to, I said I wasn't sure (perhaps that makes me a bad mom) and she said most people say they look like little aliens anyway. However, the picture we got looked good (I'm sure I am bias) and Chris (the good parent) opted to purchase it. My favorite shot was one of it waving at us, you could really clearly see the little hand and fingers. It was cute. Anywho, so here is the shot we have. Enjoy.
Cute! You'll be glad you got the picture. It was really fun seeing the baby don't you think? That's my favorite part. Did you end up finding out out the sex?
Cute little baby!
What an adorable profile! Doesn't it seem so much more real now? It did for us, anyway. We're so excited about Baby Lamont!
I guess a baby really is growing in you. Ha, so much fun. The ultra sound looks just like the baby counter. Pretty cool.
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