Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Macy Jane Lamont

Here's the moment you've all been waiting for, most especially us! May I introduce Ms Macy Jane Lamont.


Jill said...

I've been checking your blog a lot the last 24 hours!! She looks very cute - and I am looking forward to seeing her in two weeks.

Julie said...

Chris and Val, she's stunning. What a beautiful little girl. We love her name--and I'm SO happy you had a girl. It totally threw me because I was convinced you were having a boy!

I've checked your blog constantly as well. It's so fun to see pictures of her. Enjoy every minute of this! ...and try to get some sleep. :)

Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

She's so cute. I just want to plant kisses all over her little face! She must take after her mom because my first thought was, "She looks a lot like Mags did." They are for sure cousins! Tell her that her Aunt Alicia has been working hard to get some stuff to send her! Congrats!

Chris said...

Thanks everyone. We are doing well. Macy is a very good little baby and loves to just eat and sleep, which is great, because we love to do that too! We'll try and keep more pictures coming.

Susan said...

What a beautiful bundle of Joy! Congrats and I hope everything is going well.

Jamie said...

ooooh look at how little she is! How exciting. Both of you are going to be wonderful parents. She is super cute.