Monday, January 31, 2011
Such a Lucky Girl I Am
So..last Friday night Chris and I were out with Macy at the grocery store (not our regular one, it was one closer to where we used to live around Whyte Ave). Anyway, we get our treats and are at the checkout. Our cashier asks us how we are and he is quite obviously and stereotypically gay. Then he totally hits on Chris and says that he is absolutely gorgeous! He asks me if I am married to my boyfriend and then says I am so lucky, he is just gorgeous. He also calls Chris 'honey' while processing the payment. Bahaha, it was hilarious! As we leave I cannot stop laughing. This has made my night, week, possibly year! Chris handled it all with stride and just smiled and nodded to the guy. He later told me that he has never even been hit on like that by a girl, let alone a dude. Haha. Anyways, enjoy this laugh at my gorgeous husband's expense!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Back to Normal
It has taken almost a month to recover from Christmas and the Holidays. After our fun trip to Winnipeg it took a while to get Macy back on any semblance of a schedule. Then I was sick, which didn't help, and only now am I starting to feel like things are getting back to normal. We've had a LOT of snow this month and now the temperature has warmed up so much it is melting and messy. Macy is just about 6 months, she loves to squel and talk and almost always has to be playing with something. She was in a particular happy mood (I think it was because I was singing Backstreet Boys to her) so I had to take some pictures. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's a good thing she's so cute! 

This is the newest bandwagon that I have jumped on, Zumba. It is awesome! It is bascially just an hour workout of dancing. I went to a class last night for the first time and I felt like a 14 year old back at a youth dance. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing because I felt ridiculous dancing but was having so much fun. We did all kinds of dancing mostly to latin music. If you ever get a chance to go to a class, do it. And the best thing is that it counts as exercise!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Christmas Day
This was our first Christmas with Macy and that we spent at home. We woke up in our Christmas pajamas that we got from Frosty the night before. We opened our stockings, showered, read Luke 2, and opened gifts. We had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, steak, eggs, bacon, toast, fried cinnamon apples, and orange juice. After talking to family we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Lamont's for more gifts and a Turkey dinner. It was a great day!
Macy and her Dad excited early Christmas morn.
Macy and her stocking.
Loving all the goodies.
With that bow she is definitly the best gift I got this year!
Showing off our gifts, Chris and his fancy new coat, and me with my new KitchenAid!
Making breakfast.
It was everything a Christmas breakfast should be.
And since she is so cute, one more of Macy concentrating hard on playing with her new toy from Grandma Lamont.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Christmas Eve
Christmas eve we took advantage of our backyard and Macy napping to do a little sledding. There was SO much snow that we could barely ride our sled down the hill the first time.
Here I am in my winter gear.
For dinner we had porcupines with buns and broccoli salad and cranberry juice with nanimo bars for dessert. Delicious!
Gingerbread Building
After our day at the museum Pam and Spencer came over and we made our gingerbread houses. Ours turned out to be more of a village. It was fun to spend time with Pam and Spencer and we got some good pictures out of the night.
Hard at work.

Auntie Pam, Macy, and Uncle Spencer. Macy only seems interested in the candy house.

Our little village.
Getting ready to chow down.

Family photo.
Macy and Auntie Pam...I think this is such a good picture of them.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Telus World of Science
Once Chris was finally done exams in December we took a family trip to the Telus World of Science. They had a special Lego exhibit going on which we were anxious to see. Macy was great the whole time, even when we snuck in a Christmas music and lights show at their planetarium dome. It was a fun day.
The entrance to the exhibit!
Cool lego trains for Caleb to see.
For those of you who have been to Edmonton and ridden the high level bridge trolley, this is the bridge we rode on. The train is our Light Rail Train (LRT) system.
This was my favorite. I liked the exhibit because it wasn't all space lego.
You may recognize this as a the ship on the Canadian Dime.
I think this was one of Chris' favorites.
Racing on the lego speedway.
Me in one of those twisty things, they actually did twist me all about (sorry, I probably should know the more technical name...)
He could pull of the whole cop thing.
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