Friday, January 14, 2011

Telus World of Science

Once Chris was finally done exams in December we took a family trip to the Telus World of Science. They had a special Lego exhibit going on which we were anxious to see. Macy was great the whole time, even when we snuck in a Christmas music and lights show at their planetarium dome. It was a fun day.
The entrance to the exhibit!
Cool lego trains for Caleb to see.
For those of you who have been to Edmonton and ridden the high level bridge trolley, this is the bridge we rode on. The train is our Light Rail Train (LRT) system.
This was my favorite. I liked the exhibit because it wasn't all space lego.
You may recognize this as a the ship on the Canadian Dime.
I think this was one of Chris' favorites.
Racing on the lego speedway.
Macy enjoying her outting.
Me realizing how they use the bathroom in space.
Astronaut Chris Lamont.
Me in one of those twisty things, they actually did twist me all about (sorry, I probably should know the more technical name...)
He could pull of the whole cop thing.


Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

Look how happy Chris is next to the Legos! You should come to Disney World with us they have really huge Lego things.

Jill said...

We all enjoyed this post.