And I fear that Macy's life isn't spicy enough, well, only in the food department. So, I am soliciting baby food suggestions. What are some good snacks and meals I can give her? (She's 10.5 months). She loves foods she can eat herself, and I love when they aren't too messy. Any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated, espeically by Macy!
I'm so bad. I hate giving Jackson baby food because it is sooo messy.
Some things I give Jackson:
- apple slices
- large pretzel rods broken in half
- tortillas
- cheerios
- raisins
- crackers
- watermelon (but it can get pretty messy)
- rice
- pasta
Basically I just give him everything we eat cut up small. I stay away from dairy and have only given him meat on a few occasions.
Basically I give him anything we eat just cut
Oops it axes a line. Sorry. iPods can be a little crazy sometimes b
Agh! It keeps messing up my words. I'm giving up now. :)
graham crackers, cut-up grapes, pasta (like macaroni), toast (cut in strips), grilled cheese (cut in strips)
Everyone has already given great suggestions! Now I'm trying to remember what I gave Eden at this age!
She loved peaches. We had a local farmers market stand in Fergus Falls that we rode my bike to a couple of times a week for a bag (we went through a LOT of peaches this summer). I peeled the skin off and she ate small pieces. She also loved strawberries and quartered grapes...she's never had trouble eating fruit. For lunches Eden loved whole wheat tortillas with cheese melted on it. I'd add very small pieces of cooked chicken, if I had some in the fridge. I used a pizza cutter to cut in really small squares. She also liked frozen mixed veggies just heated through (the package we got had corn, peas and small carrots).
For dinner, she just ate small pieces of whatever we were eating. Anything with pasta was always a hit (and still is).
For snacks: graham crackers, crasins/raisins/other dried fruit, any kind of cracker...etc.
We still did some baby food, but she got bored of it at this age.
Eden also really slowed down with nursing at this stage. Since her weight was high, her Dr. okayed introducing some milk products. It is a bit expensive, but we started with Yo Baby yogurt (all natural, no sugar added, made with whole milk). She loved it.
Sorry for the long post. I got carried away!
Thanks for all the great suggestions!
French fries!
I like your suggestion Taylor.
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