Here is Macy excited to go.
Although she doesn't look all to excited here, I don't know what happened?!
It was cool to see all the huge machinery they use. And I mean huge, just look at the rest of these photos.
I don't really think she'll reach the pedals just yet!
Macy is thinking how she is going to get on that machine to play.And then we headed outside for more fun.
This is a random family that was standing there when I took the picture. But you can see how big the machine really is.
This machine was huge. It is an old bucketwheel system that they brought down from the Oil Sands. They had to break it into 6 parts to transport it, and it took over a year to do the whole thing. It is 6 stories high and our tour guide told us in was actually one of the small ones used, the big ones were 10 stories high.
They would dig out raw oil sand, or bituman, in these buckets. Heavy duty stuff.
Caution: Woman at work!
Macy is in the white hat below because she's the boss of us!
your Family is sure good looking.
It looks like you had a great outing by taking advantage of seeing what is around you!
Dad keeps talking about moving up there and getting a job. He said I could get a job driving one of the big rigs because I am a woman. They say woman drivers are more cautious than the guys. I said not until Chris, Val and Macy are there;)
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