Saturday, July 2, 2011

Parade Fun

Yesterday we had a ton of fun celebrating Canada Day. Since we live downtown it is nice to be close to so much of the action. We walked to the Pancake breakfast and enjoyed pancakes, sausage, and juice, and then we walked a couple of blocks to get seating for the parade. It was a great day, sunny and warm, but not too hot. The parade was lots of fun and Macy really enjoyed it. We got some good loot from it too, including a beach ball, mini frizbee, stickers and tattoos, candy and freezies, sunglasses, bubbles and more.
On our way to the pancake breakfast.
Getting ready for the parade.
Yay Canada!
An actual buffalo that was part of the parade. (We live in the Wood Buffalo county).
With all of our goodies.


Julie said...

This looks like so much fun!! Great pictures.

Patti said...

Macy looks like she has grown up so much since you left here. How does that happen?