I'm so lucky that my mom is wonderful and came and stayed with us after Tessa was born! Grandma was here for 10 days and we made the most of it. Some highlights were shopping trips (Tessa's first trip to Kingsway Mall), going to our ward Christmas party, going to the library, going to the doctors, going to Macy's gymnastics class, and a few dates for me and Chris! And of course, lots of pictures of Tessa!
It was fun to watch Macy at gymnastics. Grandma got some good pictures and videos.
Our ward Christmas party. We had a turkey dinner and it was really well done. It was a fun little night out.

Apparently Macy asked Santa for an Ipad! She didn't get one!
Rachel didn't last too long, but liked the candy!
Chris and I went out a couple times, once with Tessa, and twice just ourselves. We went to the movies to see the James Bond movie Specter, and another night we went to 'That BBQ Place' for dinner. It was good!

Here's the baby photo shoot!
Just chilling with Grandma. We miss her! Thank you so much for coming!!
1 comment:
I have just read your blog. You are so nice. I am spoiled because you let me step into your lives for a short time and join in your fun. Thanks for letting me. (Love the pictures of me and Tessa. Usually I don't get those pictures because I am the photographer.)
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