Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Scrabble Night

Here is our scrabble game. Like I noted on Jill's page, sometimes we let things slide and allow two words to become one word. We definitly play house rules, but I don't think anything's wrong with that.

oh, and I must have exaggerated Chris' score on Jills page, only 271, but thats still pretty good, considering it was the first time he broke 100!


Jill said...

Wact? What's that? It's not even connected to any word!
Thanks for posting Valerie - it's fun to see what words are on your minds!

Valerie said...

yeah, wact was the one word that doesn't really fit. i think chris had just scored big so i put in down and neither of us really said anything but we knew and exchanged looks that that word was going to count for me!!!

question for you, whats ziti?

Jill said...

Ziti is a pasta.
originally Taylor put down zit. I just added the i. We always play with a dictionary besides us to make sure every word is real and spelt correctly. We are not allowed to search for a word, though.

Valerie said...

yeah, last night when we played i checked the dictionary for spelling on a couple of words and it was good to have. i also frequently check the "10 ways to be an expert scrabble player" that came in our scrabble box, because it has good ideas for q words that don't need a u.

Valerie said...

yeah, last night when we played i checked the dictionary for spelling on a couple of words and it was good to have. i also frequently check the "10 ways to be an expert scrabble player" that came in our scrabble box, because it has good ideas for q words that don't need a u.

Valerie said...

yeah, last night when we played i checked the dictionary for spelling on a couple of words and it was good to have. i also frequently check the "10 ways to be an expert scrabble player" that came in our scrabble box, because it has good ideas for q words that don't need a u.

Valerie said...

woops, got a little trigger happy there.