Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back to Reality

It has been back to the grind for Chris and I. I had my last midterm this week, but now I've got lots of papers and group projects to start, and finish! I've reverted to my usual procratinating tool of cleaning the house instead of studying. I figure at least I'm still being productive. Chris still has 2 midterms next week, so we hope those go well.

This weekend is full of wedding celebrations. We went to an open house last night and are going to a calling reception tonight. We haven't had to spend a cent though, thanks to re-gifting and homemade cards...oh how I love making cards now. I always tell Chris though I need for stuff for it. Truthfully I don't think I could ever have enough, which I'm sure you would all agree!

1 comment:

Jill said...

What's a 'calling reception'?