Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Chris and I before church on Sunday

Thank you for all the birthday wishes from everyone. It was a great birthday weekend. On Saturday we went to one of Chris' friend's wedding. It was a great time. They got married in a beautiful Catholic Church in Beaumont and it was a nice ceremony, a little on the long side, but oh well. The bride looked beautiful and it was pretty warm so the groom had to keep wiping away his sweaty face, poor guy. They had their reception at a nice hotel downtown, and boy was it a party. The whole time I felt like I was in a movie wedding. The speeches were great and tasteful and there was good food, all the drinks we wanted (cranberry cocktails) and good music and dancing. They even had a professional belly dancer who got most everyone dancing, it was pretty cool.

Sunday Chris made me a birthday dinner. He grilled delcious and juicy steaks, with potatos, greek salad, buns, juice, and even sparkling cider. We had some friends over for some games and angel food cake, which was also delicious.

On the Monday the weekend didn't end, we went to see The Dark Knight. I liked it. I don't think I would say it is my favorite movie of all time, but it was still pretty entertaining, and definitly a good one to see in the theater.

So that's the weekend. Tonight we cleaned our place in preparation for James coming this weekend. It should be a great time, and you can bet we will be heading to the waterpark!

I got these birthday flowers from Chris' Mom (I like how they match my skirt)

Before the wedding ceremony, don't ask my about Chris' face, he always does this when I want to get a nice picture, he's definitely Sarah's uncle.

Here I am crafting while Chris is making me dinner. I'm currently working on this calender project, I'm pretty excited about it.

Chris slaving away at my cake.

The finished project, not too shabby.

Apparently we didn't have birthday candles, so we had to make do. I like the 'V' for Val

The classic action blowing shot, but notice the smoke coming out of my mouth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I think Maggie will also be part of the the 'photogenic' silly faces club. You turn on the camera and she's always doing something cute.