Sunday, July 13, 2008


Last Monday for FHE Chris and I headed to the driving range to practice our swing. It had been awhile since either of us had held a golf club but it was such a fun time. We shared a large bucket of balls and swang away for an hour. Both of us have some blisters or scars on the hands to prove it. We finished the night up with a poutine from KFC. We both agreed KFC have one the best poutine's. Their gravy is just so tasty!

So yes I do know I am probably not wearing the best golfing apparell - flip flops and all - but I didn't have blisters on feet! It's gloves I need!

Chris getting ready to send that ball soaring.

Obviously this last one was staged...and I think actually the one before was too.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Dad, Richard and I have gone to the practice range also. I didn't look as cool as you.!