The 'J squared' open house was fabulous. The food was great, it was a comfy atmosphere, and the company topped it off. Thanks James and Jamie for giving us a reason to party.

Amy and Lisa lookin' fine!
Sam was quite the cutie and very fun to hold.
Eden and Sam going for the hand holding!
Is that Amy's little guy? What a cutie! Thanks for posting Val! Finally some pictures of Winnipeg happenings! Yeah, you know who I'm talking to... :)
That would be Lisa's little guy - unless Amy had an illigetimate child that I don't know of.
I love that picture of Sam...he is such a cutie!
Oh my gosh! I didn't realize until just now that I wrote Amy and not Lisa! How embarassing! I read Jills comment earlier and was so confused. I think I am losing my mind!
For those of us who weren't at the reception, I want to see more pictures ; ) Sorry about not being here for New Years Day--so would have loved playing Rockband with you ; )
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