Wednesday evening we explored a bit of downtown Dallas. We made a particular stop at the Sixth Floor Museum, dedicated to the JFK assassination. The museum is the Texas School Book Depository, where it is believed that Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President Kennedy. We went on the walking tour which was very interesting. It detailed President Kennedy's life and then did a play by play of the events of November 22nd, 1963 when he was shot. They had a glassed off area where Lee Harvey Oswald shot through a window on the sixth floor as JFK drove by in the motorcade. You could lookout the window and they have 'X's marked off where the shots hit JFK. They also talked about how some people believe the shooter actually came from the grassy knoll, and area to the north of Elm Street where he was shot.

Me infront of the grassy knoll.

Chase in I infront of Elm Street.

Amy no-longer-Cutts Treanor.

A close up, the van is probably exactly where JFK was shot in the head.
It was very interesting to read and watch the videos about the event. They also talked about some of the conspiricy theories, which I always like to indulge in, so I don't know exactly what I believe happened, but I guess that's what makes the whole thing as exciting and interesting as it is.
I've been there too Valerie - pretty neat.
I also love your green shirt!
It was the Cubans/mobsters/Russians/LBJ that did it. They were all in on it. But I think the actual shooters were the two male models on the grassy knoll. (if you've seen Zoolander than you know what I'm talking about)
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