So I've gone and went and my trip to Texas for Amy's wedding was fabulous. It was a great vacation and I enjoyed soaking up the sun and heat. It was my first trip to Texas and it was much nicer than I expected, very green with pretty landscape and even lakes and streams. The areas we were in were also very affluent, with beautiful brick homes. I headed out on Tuesday, leaving the Edmonton Airport at 8am. My flights were all good, I read (The Uglies and then the Pretties..I really liked the Uglies, but not the Pretties as much, I didn't like how it ended, but now I am forced to read the concluding Specials to find out how it ends). I arrived in Texas 3pm in the afternoon and Amy picked me up at the airport. We did some shopping that night, but the mall we went to wasn't great, so niether of us got anything. We went over to Lisa and Jared's that night for a BBQ. Uncle Robin and Aunt Jeana were there already and it was great to see Lisa, Jared, and Sam. They have a beautiful home and Sam is such a cutie. I spent the whole trip at Amy's apartment. On Wednesday we went to the Temple for Amy to go through for the first time. It was nice to be able to be there. After we went to Spring Creek Barbeque, which I guess is a very Texas meal. I had brisket (beef) with BBQ sauce, salads, and re-fried beans. The rolls were delicious, and they would come around and serve you fresh ones from the oven. It was great. Later that day Amy, Chase, and I went to downtown Dallas for some sight seeing. More to follow.

Amy and I before the Temple in her apartment.

Amy and I before the Temple in her apartment.
The outside of Amy's apartment. It had a great pool, perfect for lounging.
At Spring Creek, I had a strawberry pop, the bottle is alway the fun part of it.
(I realize some of these pictures didn't turn out to well..don't judge me)
Chase, Amy, Chase's mom, Aunt Jeana, Lisa with the fabulous rolls, and Uncle Robin.
Dining in Texas!
Me in downtown Dallas, about half an hour from Amy's.
Wow look at Amy's dark curly hair! I can't wait to see the wedding pics!
John and I just finished specials but don't forget that Extra's is actually the last book. I've read them all before and really liked them.
I didn't know there was another, on book 1 and 2 it says it is a trilogy.
Extras is actually called a companion novel to the trilogy. Tally does make an appearance in it.
I would have to say that I liked Uglies and Extras the best so I would encourage you to read Extra's also.
Spring Creek BBQ is one of my favorite BBQ joints in Texas. Glad you got to go.
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