Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back Tracking

The end of 2009 was pretty busy for me so the blogging got sent to the back burner. However, I have some extra time on my hands now, so here are some updates and what we were up to at the end of last year.

Halloween! Like Taylor it is one my favorite holidays..however our decorations were not as grand as the Lemon's.

I made over 150 cookies for my students and quite the mess in our kitchen!

We had a halloween party at our place on Halloween night so we could still hand out candy (we only had like 10 trick or treators). Chris and I went as the angels from the Phillidelphia Cream Cheese commercials.
My manservant!


Patti said...

Awesome costumes!

Jill said...

Love the costumes! Chris looks like a ghost peeking through the window.

PS Caleb says 'Did they post any pictures of Uncle Chris' legos?'

Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

If I buy cream cheese do I get a man servant too?

*runs to store to buy as much cream cheese as possible*