Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Yesterday morning when I was on my way to volunteering and getting into the car I noticed that our license plate looked a little cleaner than the rest of the car, and then I noticed that the numbers and letters didn't look familiar. Now I'll admit I don't know my licence plate number down pat, but at least I recognized something. So I check the registration and sure enough that plate on my car was not our plate!! I thought at first I was going crazy, so I ran in and told Chris and he verified that our plate had been stolen! I had to head off to school, so Chris was going to call the police to see what to do. When I got back home I had to go to the police station and make a statement. They took the plate from my car, and said that it had been stolen back in December. (Just to note, when the officer was trying to get the plate off (he had a hard time) he came in and asked one of the other officers for his leatherman....and I thought, well all my brothers have one of those!) It was a bit of a hassle to get new plates. I drove the car home without any plates at all, and then just walked to a registry a block away. I felt bad not going to Amy's, but the officer didn't advise it. Even though I had a police report he said it really depends on the guy who pulls me over. I didn't want to risk it.

Well now we have new plates, and I don't think I'll have trouble remembering them, MUM 987.

I swear everything interesting and odd that happens to me occurs in that car. Whether it's car alarms going off, beging stranded in the praries, or having driver-less cars headed towards me! At least it gives me stories to write on my blog!


Tom said...

Any idea what's going to happen to your old plates? Will they at least let you know when they are recovered?

Valerie said...

yeah, i asked lots of questions cause i was curious. they said they would let us know if they ever find the plate. i asked if the plate that was on our car was stolen just as a plate, or the whole car, they didn't know, but probably the whole car was stolen. i'm interested where they'll end up, like maybe calgary or southern alberta, who knows!

Richard said...

It seems like you have a lot of crazy stuff happening to you. Crazy is better than boring though, it keeps life interesting.