Last Friday night we went to the Edmonton Eskimos football game. We try to do this once a year. We got general seating tickets in the 'Family Huddle' section and since it was so cold there were not very many people there and we got good seats. Despite bundling up (long johns, a couple shirts, touques, scarves, mitts, and blankets) we still froze!

Eating my yummy hot dog. A sporting event is not a sporting event without a hot dog!

The stadium. At the beginning it was snowing big fat flakes.
Chris bundled up.

They had the 'Timbits' league play during the half time. Watch out for those little boys, they can tackle!

Hot chocolate!

Back home and finally warm.
So who won?
Well, we actually couldn't handle the cold (wusses I know!) and left just after the fourth quater started. It was a close game, but the BC Lions scored a touchdown with like 30 seconds left and won.
You guys are great!!
I agree with the hotdog comment.
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