Friday, June 10, 2016

Rachel and 1 o'clock church

My kids never fall asleep in their high chair, they have each done it maybe 3 times total, but no nap and 1 o'clock church took it's toll last Sunday!
Rachel is still our spunky little gal. She is learning more and more words daily and her communication is getting better, but I still look forward to the day when we'll be able to understand everything she has to say. She does still nap, but that is mostly because I prefer the break. The result is that she stays up late, but she mostly entertains herself in her room and doesn't bother us. Macy and Rachel have been sharing a room since last October and there has been no problems. Just a couple weeks ago I checked in on them before I went to bed and they were both asleep in Macy's bed, one on each end, and one time they switched beds, but usually they are both great. Rachel still prefers to be sans clothes. She is better on leaving them on in the day now, but still takes her pajamas off nightly (but keeps her diaper on)! Rachel loves to read, her favorite is still "No David" but she loves all books. She loves the music from the movie "Home". She loves watching "Frozen" and "Paw Patrol", but also enjoys watching "Daniel Tiger" and "Arthur". She loves to play with the big kids, and does a pretty good job keeping up. She can ride the tricycle by herself now.  
 She definitely keeps life interesting!

Tessa and solids

Tessa is now eating solid foods! She didn't take to them that well. We tried when she was about 5.5 months, but she wasn't interested, so we waited until 6 months. She has only now just started to get the hang of it. Macy is anxious for her to get good so she can feed her!
 I just love the above pic.
What's this??!
So far it's just been rice cereal, peas, squash, and sweet potato.
In other Tessa news, she got two teeth just before she was 6 months, the earliest any of my kids has got them. The bottom two came up at the same time. She is pretty great at taking two good naps during the day, but still wakes up pretty frequent at night. She loves the exersaucer and will sit in her high chair watching the craziness around her. She loves playing with her baby toys and chewing on whatever she can get her hands on. She likes to talk and loves when you talk to her. She has a great laugh. She can almost sit up by herself, but not quite. At her 6 months shots she was 15 lbs 15 oz, and 26 inches. She is 50th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Macy Jane

Macy likes to have us take pictures of what her hair looks like, I guess it is easier than looking in the mirror. Here she is before bed. This kid has grown up so much in the last two months. She is thriving at school and her reading has improved so much. She lost her first tooth and rode a two wheeler bike within the span of 2 days. All of a sudden she is this big kid! I recently took her to the International Children's Festival and while we were sitting waiting for the show to start, she instantly becomes friends with the girl sitting next to her, who was in grade three. They started up their own conversation with no prompt from a parent, learned their names, talked about missing teeth, and played a game of ISpy. I love being her mom and watching this fun and friendly girl grow up.

Tessa 5 months

Just another shot to show off this gorgeous babe!
Grandma Cutts gave us this cute outfit when Macy was born, but it never worked out to fit at the right season, neither with Rachel (although they both still wore it, just with tights). We had such a warm and early spring, that even though it was the middle of April, the weather was hot and this outfit was a perfect fit!