Monday, April 10, 2017

Macy Turns 6!!

In the middle of July Macy had a friend birthday party in our backyard. It was a fun day with water balloons, the sprinkler, games, squirt gun art, cake, and good friends. 
 Macy and Cadence.
 Taylor and Macy.
 Kallie and Macy.
 Eden and Macy.
 Isla and Macy.
 Lasha and Macy.
 The day after we got back from Canmore was Macy's birthday. 
 Her big present was going horse back riding!! Unfourtunately I would have had to pay an outrageous fee to have a photographer take her pictures with the horse's, so we have have none of those, but we did go. Both Macy and I rode for about 20 minutes. She was in heaven!
Notice the black swan's in the pond!
Macy continues to be a fun loving, happy go lucky girl. She has great friends in the neighbourhood and at school and church. She loves horses, riding her bike and being outside, and chocolate cake!

August Long Weekend 2016 - Canmore and Lake Louise, Alberta

Lucky us got an invitation to spend the August Long weekend with the Fixsen's in Canmore. Considering we had a blast the last time, we didn't hesitate at all! It was another great weekend!
Highlights: Going swimming at Quarry Lake and "cliff" jumping. Going to Lake Louise (my first time) and hiking the area. Hanging out with the Fixsen's and the Chiu's. Playing games and eating good food. Pie Face! Canmore Candy Store and Ice Cream Shop. Running in the mountains. Sticking to the populated trails to avoid the bears! Chris hiking Ha Ling.
Micah Chiu, Chantal Chiu, Isla Fixsen, Eden Chiu, Jeremy Chiu, Macy, Stella Fixsen, Brett Fixsen, Wyatt Fixsen, Jonah Chiu, Tessa, Val, Rachel, Chris! 
 Don't they look so excited to be travelling?!!
 We took the picture below because the mountain peak on the far right is Ha Ling, and Chris hiked it to the top!
Hiking Ha Ling.
 Chris, Brett, and Jeremy.
We love exploring the Canadian Rockies!