Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Raining and Pouring and Beeping!

It has been raining and pouring and raining around here (actually a good thing, the cooler weather is a nice break), and last night we had thunderstorms which caused our power to go out right in the middle of Macy's bath! Good thing I like nice smelling rooms and we had two scented candles. Anyway, along with the power outage came the fire alarms going off. In our unit we could silence it, but it was still pretty loud in the halls, and many other unoccupied units. It just kept beeping and beeping. The fireman and their fire truck had to come to shut it all off which took about a half an hour. And when it finally stopped, Macy kept saying 'beep-beep, beep-beep'.
So in appreciation of the firemen, here are a few more photos of Macy and Chris from back when they had the Firefighters Awareness day.
 Checking out some of their rescue vehicles.
Macy liking the idea of this quad.
We like the fire and rescue guys around here!